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Il cda di Enel verrà stravolto dai nomi del fondo Covalis? Ecco chi c’è

Fondo Covalis Enel

La lista presentata dal fondo americano per fornire una alternativa al consiglio d’amministrazione di Enel

Il fondo americano Covalis capeggiato dal lituano Zach Mecelis vuole sfondare nel cda di Enel.

Ecco fatti, nomi e approfondimenti.

Covalis Capital, fondo globale focalizzato su infrastrutture, utilities, energie rinnovabili, industria e materie prime azionista di lungo termine di Enel con una partecipazione l’1% circa del capitale di Enel, ha presentato una lista alternativa di amministratori indipendenti per il consiglio di amministrazione di Enel.

La lista presentata, si legge in una nota, comprende i nomi di Marco Mazzucchelli, Leilani C. Latimer, Francesco Galietti, Monique Sasson, Paulina Beato e Daniel Lacalle. Zach Mecelis, fondatore e cio di Covalis Capital, ha dichiarato: “A causa dell’opacità del processo, non sappiamo cosa rappresenti la lista proposta dal Governo o quale sia il suo piano per Enel”.


“Crediamo – ha proseguito Mecelis – che gli investitori internazionali, i dipendenti e le società in cui Enel opera meritino di meglio e sentiamo la responsabilità di avviare un dibattito. Vogliamo un consiglio di amministrazione diversificato e indipendente, che rifletta la natura internazionale dell’azienda e della sua base di azionisti”. E ha aggiunto: “Oggi abbiamo presentato una lista di membri del consiglio di amministrazione che riflette meglio il dna internazionale dell’azienda. Non intendiamo creare nessun processo destabilizzante per Enel – vogliamo metterla società in condizione di realizzare il suo potenziale di leader nella transizione energetica. Tale posizionamento le consentirà di poter fare significativi investimenti in nuovi posti di lavoro, infrastrutture e produzione energetica”.

Il fondo non si pone in maniera palesemente ostile verso i nomi proposti dal ministero dell’Economia ma di certo il fondo americano non ha apprezzato (eufemismo) il processo che ha portato alla novità totale del governo per i vertici del gruppo energetico con Paolo Scaroni alla presidenza e Flavio Cattaneo come amministratore delegato (anche se il fondo anglosassone non ha proposto un nome di ad alternativo a quello di Cattaneo), dunque le scelte del governo Meloni.

Descalzi e Del Fante confermati, Scaroni presidente Enel e Cingolani nuovo ad di Leonardo. Ecco tutte le nomine

Il fondo americano – secondo rumors finanziari – punta a coagulare il consenso degli altri fondi esteri azionisti di Enel, drenando voti dalla lista di Assogestioni.

Ecco i nomi proposti dal fondo così come emergono dalla nota di Covalis e in fondo tutti i curricula:

Marco Mazzucchelli:

Marco Mazzucchelli è attivo nel settore finanziario da oltre 35 anni, ricoprendo ruoli dirigenziali in  numerose istituzioni di primo piano. Interagisce regolarmente con i politici e i leader aziendali  internazionali, contribuendo al dibattito pubblico sulla politica economica, i mercati dei capitali, la  regolamentazione e la vigilanza del settore finanziario. Ha ricoperto incarichi direttivi e dirigenziali  presso Quintet Private Bank, Secofind SIM e Hellenic Financial Stability Fund.

Leilani Latimer:

Leilani Latimer è un’energica direttrice del go-to-market e del consiglio di amministrazione con un  curriculum di aziende quotate, pre-IPO e start-up. È riconosciuta per la sua competenza in materia di  strategia aziendale, rischio e reputazione, grazie alla sua specializzazione in ESG (Environment, Social,  Governance), alla sua esperienza intersettoriale e globale (15 anni nell’UE). Leilani è attualmente  Consigliere indipendente presso il Black Diamond Group ed è Chief Commercial & Marketing Officer  di Fair Trade USA, un’organizzazione globale di certificazione della catena di approvvigionamento  sostenibile che migliora i mezzi di sussistenza dei lavoratori, protegge l’ambiente e promuove lo  sviluppo sostenibile.

Francesco Galietti:

Francesco è professore a contratto di analisi del rischio politico e scenari strategici presso l’Università  LUISS di Roma. Dal 2012, Francesco è anche ricercatore affiliato a SovereigNET, centro della Fletcher  School di Boston, negli Stati Uniti, dedicato allo studio dei fondi sovrani. Francesco è autore prolifico e le sue opinioni sono regolarmente pubblicate dai principali media internazionali, come FT, The  Economist, The Guardian, Times of London, Telegraph, Asia Times, Reuters, Bloomberg, BBC, CNN,  DPA, AFP. Francesco è cofondatore e amministratore delegato di Policy Sonar, una società di consulenza con sede a Roma specializzata nell’analisi degli scenari, nelle strategie e nella gestione dei  rischi non di mercato.

Monique Sasson:

Monique Sasson ha un’esperienza trentennale nell’analisi delle controversie internazionali. Prima di  conseguire un dottorato di ricerca in diritto internazionale all’Università di Cambridge, ha lavorato  presso due importanti studi legali, a Londra e a Roma. Monique è qualificata come avvocato italiano,  solicitor inglese e avvocato di New York. Precedentemente Of Counsel presso Macchi di Cellere  Gangemi, è uno dei soci fondatori di DeliSasson. La pratica di Monique comprende il patrocinio come  avvocato e la nomina ad arbitro e mediatore. Monique è stata testimone esperta di diritto internazionale nella causa Central European Aluminium Company (CEAC) contro Montenegro (causa  ICSID n. ARB/14/8) e ha testimoniato oralmente davanti a un illustre tribunale per i trattati di  investimento. La seconda edizione del suo libro, Substantive Law in Investment Arbitration, è stata  pubblicata nel 2017 da Kluwer. È presente nell’elenco degli arbitri di Arbitra.

Paulina Beato:

Paulina Beato (dottorato in Economia, Università del Minnesota) è docente di analisi economica,  tecnico commerciale ed economista statale. Ha fatto parte del Consiglio di amministrazione della BSE  per diversi anni ed è stata eletta presidente nel novembre 2018. Paulina Beato è stata la prima donna  presidente di un’azienda pubblica spagnola e ha gestito la creazione di Red Electrica de España nel  1985. Nel corso della sua carriera professionale ha ricoperto posizioni di leadership nel settore  pubblico, in quello privato e nelle istituzioni multilaterali, tra cui la direzione del comitato incaricato  di progettare il Piano energetico nazionale spagnolo, la Divisione di vigilanza bancaria del Fondo  monetario internazionale, il settore Sviluppo sostenibile della Banca interamericana di sviluppo e il  Segretariato generale iberoamericano (SEGIB). Ha fatto parte dei consigli di amministrazione di società  come Campsa, Red Electrica, Banesto, Solfocus e Repsol. Attualmente è consulente del gruppo  bancario TSB e membro del gruppo di esperti della Commissione europea sulla progettazione delle  interconnessioni elettriche.

Daniel Lacalle Fernández:

Daniel Lacalle Fernández è un economista spagnolo. Lavora come gestore di investimenti e come  professore di economia globale. È autore di diversi libri di economia, oltre che editorialista e  collaboratore di varie pubblicazioni cartacee e digitali. Lacalle vanta oltre 24 anni di esperienza nei  settori dell’energia e della finanza, anche in Nord Africa, America Latina e Medio Oriente. Attualmente  è un gestore di fondi che si occupa di azioni, obbligazioni e materie prime. Lacalle è professore presso  la IE Business School, IEB ed è stato anche docente e relatore ospite presso la London School of  Economics, invitato dal professor Daniel Beunza, e l’Università UNED.



Marco Mazzucchelli has been active in the Financial Industry for over 35 years, covering Senior Executive roles at a number  of leading institutions.

He regularly interacts with international policymakers and business leaders, contributing to the public debate on economic  policy, capital markets, financial industry regulation and supervision.

Career Summary

2018 – Quintet Private Bank, Luxembourg

Non-Executive Director, Chairman Risk and Compliance Committee

Secofind SIM, Italy

Executive Chairman

Hellenic Financial Stability Fund, Athens

Non-Executive Director, Chairman Investment Management Commitee

2018 – 2022 Quintet Private Bank Switzerland, Zurich

Non-Executive Director, Chairman Risk and Compliance Committee

2018 – 2020 Bain & Company, Italy and EMEA

Senior Adviser

2012 – 2018 Bank Julius Baer, Zurich

Managing Director

Kairos Investment Management, Milan

Board Member (2013-2018)

Harrods Bank Ltd, Lindorff AB, Ospedale San Raffaele, (London, Oslo, Milan)

Leading Independent Director (2012-2015)

European Commission, High-Level Expert Group on Bank Structural Reform, Brussels

Member of the Group chaired by Erkki Liikanen (2012)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Cambridge (MA) Visiting Scholar, Political Science Faculty (2012)

2009 – 2012 Royal Bank of Scotland Global Banking & Markets Division, London  Deputy CEO, Head of Global Banking

2004 – 2009 Credit Suisse, London

Head of EMEA Investment Banking

2001 – 2004 Sanpaolo IMI, Turin

CEO, Asset Management and Life Insurance

1998 – 2001 Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Siena

Group Chief Financial Officer

1990 – 1998 Morgan Stanley, London

Co-Head, European Government Bond Trading

1987 – 1990 Citibank, Milan

Head of Italian Securities & Treasury Products Trading

1986 – 1987 Arca Merchant Bank, Milan

Corporate Finance Analyst

Non-Profit Roles

2020 – Fondazione URI: Board member

2018 – 2023 Biorek Srl: Deputy chairman

2018 – 2022 Bocconi Alumni Association: Board member

2018 – 2022 Associazione Amici della Triennale: Board member


1981 – 1985 Bocconi University, Milan

Economics and Finance

1970 – 1981 Istituto Leone XIII (Jesuits), Milan

Selected Career Achievements

Bank Julius Baer, Zurich

Managing Director

Strategic acquisitions of Merrill Lynch International Wealth Management and Kairos Investment Management

European Commission, High-Level Expert Group on EU Banking System Structural Reform  (“Liikanen Group”), Brussels

Structural Reform proposals aimed at establishing a safe, stable and efficient EU banking system

Royal Bank of Scotland Global Banking & Markets Division, London

Deputy CEO, Head of Global Banking and Head of EMEA

Grew revenues to £3 billion (+25%) whilst halving balance-sheet

Credit Suisse, London

Head of EMEA Investment Banking Division

Completed divisional transformation : $2 billion revenue (+30%), $500 million PTI

Sanpaolo IMI, Turin

CEO, Wealth Management

Achieved Italian leadership in Mutual Funds, Life Insurance and Institutional Investment Management

Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Siena

Group Chief Financial Officer

Led successful IPO of the 4th largest Italian bank (1999)

Morgan Stanley, London

Co-Head, European Government Bond Trading

Ran efficient and profitable operation ($750 million trading profit , $30 million daily VAR)



Francesco Galietti is a non-market risk expert.

Francesco is an adjunct professor of political risk analysis and strategic scenarios at LUISS University in Rome, Italy. Since 2012, Francesco has  also been a research affiliate with SovereigNET, a centre of the Fletcher School in Boston, US, dedicated to the study of sovereign wealth.  Francesco is a prolific author and his opinions are regularly featured in mainstream international media, such as the FT, The Economist, The  Guardian, Times of London, Telegraph, Asia Times, Reuters, Bloomberg, BBC, CNN, DPA, AFP.

Francesco is the co-founder and CEO of Policy Sonar, a Rome-based consultancy specializing in scenarios analysis, non-market risk strategies  and management. As the firm’s CEO, he advises corporate executives, investment managers, diplomats, and NGOs. Francesco is also the  representative for Italy of CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association), the world’s largest cruise industry trade association.

He is currently on the supervisory board (consiglio di indirizzo) of Fondazione CRT, a banking foundation. Earlier in his career, he was a senior  advisor at the Italian Ministry of Finance and consulted with the task force on sovereign wealth funds at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and  Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

Francesco earned a Ph.D. in Law and Economics from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. He is an Italian CFA holder (dottore  commercialista), and speaks Italian, German, English and French.

He is married and lives with his wife and two kids in Rome, Italy.

ADVISORY  July 2012 – today  Policy Sonar – Rome, Italy. Founder & CEO. Policy Sonar is a boutique consultancy specializing in public policy analysis, regulatory risk assessment and non-market strategy. We enable our clients to navigate Italy’s complex political environment, drawing upon our informed and expert intelligence

March 2014- today  Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) – Rome, Italy. National director for Italy of the world’s largest cruise industry trade association, providing a unified voice and leading authority of the global cruise community.

May 2008 – May 2011  Italian Ministry of Finance and Economy – Rome, Italy. Senior Advisor to the Minister, hands-on assignments on international (G-8 presidency, G-20 agenda preparation, OECD) and domestic issues.

June 2009 –May 2010  Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. – Rome, Italy. Member of the Advisory Board (Consiglio degli Esperti), set up and oversight of international infrastructural projects (Marguerite and InfraMed funds’ set up).

October 2008 – May 2011  Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Rome, Italy. Consultant of the government task force on sovereign wealth funds.

September 2006 – May 2008  Tremonti Vitali Romagnoli Piccardi – Milan, Italy. Advisory on corporate reorganizations.

September 2004 – August 2006 Pirola Pennuto Zei e Associati (law firm of PwC network) – Turin, Italy.


October 2017 – ongoing Fondazione CRT – Turin, Italy. Supervisory Board member of a tier 1 banking foundation.

April 2018- April 2021  Banca Sistema – Milan, Italy. Independent and non-exec member of the board and member of ethical  committee.

July 2016 – July 2017  VC Partners SGR – Milan, Italy. Board member of a leading venture capital fund management firm  participated by Sanpaolo IMI.

May 2013 – May 2016  PLT Energia SpA, Cesena, Italy. Member of the statutory audit committee (Collegio sindacale) of PLT Energia  SpA, a leading renewables domestic player.

May 2013 – September 2015  Principia SGR – Rome-Milan, Italy. Board member of Principia, an Italy-based VC fund management firm  with a strong focus on health tech.


September 2020 – today LUISS Guido Carli University – Rome, Italy. Adjunct professor of political risk analysis.

Fall 2018 – today  LUISS Business School – Rome, Italy. Adjunct professor of strategic foresight methods, lectures at MBA, EMBA and executive courses.

September 2012 – today  SovereigNET – Tufts University/Fletcher School, Boston (MA), USA. Affiliate research fellow with SovereigNET, the world’s leading authority on sovereign wealth funds and state capitalism.

February – March 2013 Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa, Italy. Guest lecturer (course on scenario forecasting).


May 2009 – July 2015 Technical University of Darmstadt – Darmstadt, Germany. PhD cum laude (Thesis: compliance in international corporate groups) under the guidance of Prof. Uwe H. Schneider

Summer 2010  Singularity University – NASA Richard Ames Center, Moffett Field (CA), USA. Graduate Studies Program on exponential innovation and technologies. Singularity is a NASA and Google sponsored educational venture dedicated to using advanced science and technology to address humanity’s grand challenges.

September 2004 – July 2006 University of Turin – Turin, Italy, master of science in Business Administration, final summa cum laude dissertation on contractual influence within corporate groups.

September 2001 – July 2004 University of Turin – Turin, Italy, bachelors in Economics and International trade, final summa cum laude dissertation on taxation and permanent establishment in the Italian and European tax regulation


Forthcoming  Author of Autobahn, LUISS University Press – Essay on Germany’s changing grand strategy.

June 2020  Co-author and editor of Contagio Rosso, Historica Edizioni – Essay on China’s clout in Italy.

Winter 2017  Author of Sovranità in vendita, Guerini Editore, Milano, Italy – Essay on party funding in Italy and foreign  interference

Fall 2017  Co-author of Brexit. La sfida. Il ritorno delle nazioni e della questione tedesca, Giubilei Regnani, Milano,  Italy – Essay on post-Brexit challenges

Spring 2015  Author of Pappa Mundi, Guerini Editore, Milano, Italy – Essay on food geo-economics

Spring 2013  Co-author of Italia Potenza globale, Fuoco Editore, Rome, Italy – Essay on Italian geopolitics

Fall 2011  Author of Alta Pressione, Marsilio Editore, Venice, Italy – A study on regulatory risk and lobbying in Italy


September 2009 – today Ranked no. 1 at state examination for the admission to the roll of Chartered Accountants

March 2006 – today  Member of special section of the roll of journalists (giornalista pubblicista)


Italian  Mother tongue

German Second mother tongue

English  Very fluent

French  Fluent



1. Ph.D. Economics and Master of Arts. Economics. Minnesota University,1972-1976

2. Técnico Comercial y Economista del Estado, (Public competition to join highest executive  level of the Spanish Economic Public Administration) 1978

3. Catedrática de Universidad (Tenured Full Professor), Economic Theory, 1982


1. Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of Barcelona Graduate School of Economic (Graduate  School associated to the main Barcelona Universities). Since 2018

2. Member of the Board of Trustees of BALIA (Children Support and Education Foundation).  Since 2012

3. Member of the Board of Alma Health Plataform, Barcelona, Since 2020 4. Independent Economic and Financial Advisor of Private and Public Institutions, since 2014 5. Professor of Economic and Regulation, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, since 2014


1. Member of the Expert Group for Independent Review of Multilateral Development Banks’  (MDBs) Capital Adequacy Frameworks (CAF), nominated by G-20, 2021-2022 2. Member of the Expert Group on Electricity Interconnection Targets. Directorate General For  Energy, European Commission. 2017-2021

3. Member of the Board of TSB Bank, Member of the Risk Committee and the Remuneration  Committee. Since 2017-2021

4. General Secretary, Consejo Iberoamericano de la Productividad and Competitividad, 2015- 2017

5. Member of the Board of Directors of REPSOL, 2005-2014, Chairperson of Audit  Committee, REPSOL, 2006-2010, Audit Committee, REPSOL, 2005-2014 6. Economic Advisor, Secretaria General Iberoamericana, 2005-2013

7. Interamerican Development Bank, Sustainable Development Department, Washington D.C,  1995-2005.

8. International Monetary Fund, Banking Supervision Division. 1994-95. 9. Member of the Board of Directors of BANCO ESPAÑOL DE CREDITO. 1988-1993.  10. Chairperson andCEO, RED ELECTRICA DE ESPAÑA. 1984-1988. (National Power Grid.) 11. Secretary of the Advisory Committee for the Design of the National Energy Plan. 1983- 1984.

12. Member of Board of Directors of CAMPSA. 1983-1987


Economic Theory

1. “The Existence of Marginal Cost Pricing Equilibria with Increasing Returns”, The Quarterly  Journal of Economics,Vol. 97, No. 4 ,Nov., 1982.

2. “On Marginal Cost Pricing with Given Tax-Subsidy Rules” with Andreu Mas-Colell. JET.  Volume 37, No. 2. December 1985.

3. “Gestion au Cout Marginal et Efficacité de la Production Aggregée. Un Example”, with  Andreu Mas- Colell Annales de L`Insée. No. 51. July-September 1983.

4. “The Marginal Cost Pricing Rule as a Regulation Mechanism in Mixed Markets”, with Andreu Mas-Colell. Harvard Institute of Economics Research. January 1983. Printed also in  M. Marchand, P. Prestice and T. Tulkens: The Performance of Public Enterprise: Concepts  and Measurement. North Holland. 1984.

Energy and Public Services

1. “Long Term Interconnection, Transmission Rights and Renewable Deployment, Working  Paper, European University Institute,2021

2. “Identifying and Promoting Missing EU Power Interconnectors” with Nikolaos Vasilakos,  Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence School of Regulation, Discussion  Paper 2018/9. Also published on European Energy Journal, March 2018

3. “Interactions Between Climate Policies in the Power Sector “ with Juan Delgado in Green  Economic and Efficiency: An economic perspective , A. Ansuátegi, J. Delgado and I.  Galarraga (Eds.). Ed. Springer, 2014.

4. “A primer on water economic”, with Antonio Vives, in Investing in Water for a Green  Economy: Services, Infrastructure, Policies, and Management , Young and C. Esau,  Earthscan from Routledge, 2013.

5. “Obstáculos a un mercado europeo de electricidad: el conflicto entre liberalización,  seguridad de suministro y libertad de control corporativo” with Juan Delgado, in Tratado de  regulación de energías renovables, 2 vols, Aranzadi, 2009

6. “La liberalización del sector eléctrico en España ¿un proceso incompleto o frustrado?”Con  Juan Delgado, ICEX, Numero 826, Madrid, 2005

7. “Gas Market Integration in the Southern Cone”, Published by the Interamerican  Development Bank and Johns Hopkins University Press, Washington D.C. 2004 8. Competition Policy in Regulated Industries: Approaches for Emerging Economies with J.J  Laffont, Published by the Interamerican Development Bank and Johns Hopkins University  Press, Washington D.C. 2002

9. “Liberalization of the Gas Sector in Latin American: the Experience of Three Countries”,  with Carmen Fuente, IFM, Interamerican Development Bank. Washington, D.C. 2000. Also  published in Second Generation Issues of Private Infrastructure , Editors: R. Willig and C.  Basanes, Interamerican Development Bank, 2002

10. “Retail Competition in Electricity”. with Carmen Fuente, Published on Second Generation  Issues of Private Infrastructure, Editors: R. Willig and C. Basanes, Interamerican  Development Bank, 2002.

11. “Red Electrica. A Company for the Pool of the Electrical System in Spain” . Economistas.  No. 17. December 1985.


Daniel Lacalle (Madrid, 1967).

Economist and fund manager as well as author of four economy and energy best-sellers. Married with three children, lived in London between 2004 and 2016 and currently resides in Madrid.

Previous member of the board and strategy advisor of various global companies (Lonestar Resources, Oro Negro), voted for five consecutive years Top Buyside professional at the Thomson Reuters Extel Survey, in General Strategy, Oil and Gas and Utilities.

Economist by degree (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), PhD in Economics (UCV, 2016), hold the CIIA title (Certified International Investment Analyst), a master’s degree in Economy Investigation (UCV) and post-graduate degree with IESE (Universidad de Navarra).

Author of “Life In The Financial Markets” (Wiley 2014), “The Energy World Is Flat” (Wiley, 2014), “Escape From The Central Bank Trap” (Business Expert Press, 2016) and “Freedom or Equality” (PostHill Press, 2020). I collaborate regularly with CNBC, BBC, Bloomberg TV, NTD News, Epoch Times, Mises and Zero Hedge.

Given lectures and classes at Instituto de Empresa (2014-22), London School of Economics (2013, 2014), AFI (2012) and MEMFI master by UNED (2013, 2014 and 2015).

Professional Experience

TRESSIS ($6 Billion AUM) Madrid Chief Economist and Portfolio Manager Oct 2016 – Today Global PM.

Also: Lecturer at Instituto de Empresa, IEB.

PIMCO ($1.4 Trillion AUM) London, UK Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst Nov 2014 – May 2015 Global PM for Energy, Utilities and Renewables.

Also: Lecturer at Instituto de Empresa, UNED.

ECOFIN Limited ($1.5b AUM) London, UK Portfolio Manager and Senior Economist Nov 2007 – Oct 2014 Managed $200m AUM Absolute Return Equity and Fixed Income Global Energy, Infrastructure, and Utilities Positive performance every year from 2008 to 2013, including 4% in 2008 and +11.5% 2014 Consultancy and Board Member: Oro Negro, Tubacex, Lonestar Resources.

CITADEL Investment Group ($12b AUM) London, UK Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst Sep 2005 – Nov 2007 Managed $500m AUM Global Energy and Utilities. Performance: 2006 +10.5% and 2007 +12%.

ABN AMRO Bank London, UK Senior Analyst European Energy and Utilities Sep 2004 – Sep 2005

ENAGAS Madrid, Spain Head of Investor Relations Sep 2002 – Aug 2004

REPSOL Madrid, Spain Head of Investor Relations 2000 – 2002 Exports & Finance Manager 1996 – 2000 Head of Money Markets, Oil & LNG trading 1991 – 1996

Academic Studies and Industry Qualifications

PhD In Economics

Universidad Catolica de Valencia Valencia, Spain, 2016

Master’s Degree In Economic Investigation Valencia, Spain, 2014 Universidad Catolica de Valencia

Postgraduate Degree in Economics Madrid, Spain IESE Business School 2002 to 2003

Bachelor Economics and Business Administration Madrid, Spain Autonoma University of Madrid 1985 to 1990

Certified EFFAS Financial Analyst. London, UK

Honours and Awards

Top 20 Most Influential Economists in the World. Focus Economics, Richtopia 2019.

Voted Top 1 Oil and Gas, Voted Top 3 Utilities, Voted Top 5 Generalist Extel 2011. Top Investment Individual Extel Survey in 2007 and 2008. Starmine Top Analyst for the Spanish sector in 2005.

Winner Best IR for an IPO 2003 by Investor Relationship Magazine.

Best-selling Author

“Life In The Financial Markets” (Wiley, 2014), “The Energy World Is Flat” (Wiley 2014), “Escape From The Central Bank Trap” (BEP, 2016) and “Freedom or Equality” (PostHill, 2020).

Regular collaborations with CNBC, Bloomberg, NTD News, Epoch Times, Mises.


Spanish (Mother Language), English (Bilingual). French (Good). Italian (Good)

Madrid, April 2023


Global Growth Executive, ESG Expert, Board Director

Global go-to-market executive with a track record of growing B2B, SaaS, enterprise software companies – public, pre IPO and start-ups. Recognized for expertise taking nascent products, programs, and companies to scale. Operational  expertise extends across the full commercial continuum from marketing to customer success, including accelerating  customer acquisition, revenue growth, ecosystem partnerships, and commercial optimization. Known for ability to  drive strategic alignment within rapidly growing and/or evolving organizations. Develops high performing teams in an  entrepreneurial environment of continuous improvement. Dual USA/EU citizen, fluent in Italian. Industry Experience

Software / Technology  Big Data & Analytics  Healthcare

Travel & Transportation  Sustainability & Energy  Sports & Entertainment  Silicon Valley Start-ups

Areas of Expertise

Global Market Growth

B2B SaaS, Enterprise Software

ESG (Environment, Social, Governance)

Go-to-market Strategy

Channel Partnerships

Sales & Marketing Operations

Cross-functional Leadership

Current Board & Advisory Roles

Black Diamond Group (TSE: BDI) – Independent Director, NomGov, ESG Committee


FAIR TRADE USA (Global Certifications Organization)

Chief Commercial & Marketing Officer Oakland, CA 2021 – Current Leads sales, marketing and customer success teams to achieve business transformation and revenue acceleration.  Drives marketing excellence to include demand generation, sales enablement, content & partner marketing, digital  growth in a B2B2C environment. Innovates sales to achieve improved customer engagement and growth, outbound  capabilities, lead management and pipeline growth including developing systems and process improvements in  support of revenue growth and sales/account management efficiencies. Develops people and teams for improved  professional growth and engagement.

EARLENS CORPORATION (Medical Technology Company)

Chief Marketing & Commercial Operations Officer Menlo Park, CA 2019 – 2021 Led end-to-end B2B2C customer experience with a multi-faceted team, including marketing, customer research  and performance analytics, customer care and business process improvement.

• Developed company KPIs; led teams responsible for product and commercial (marketing, sales, customer  success) performance reporting.

• Ideated and led system improvements and implementation initiatives to support commercial teams  (marketing, sales, customer success), including delivery teams and vendors (SFDC, Marketo, BI tools).  • Created new, premium customer delivery and service model for B2C and B2B customers.  • Led all media, advertising, brand & content marketing, demand generation programs (B2B and B2C),  practice marketing, product marketing, events, internal/external communications, and sales enablement.  • Championed employee engagement initiatives and developed first culture and mentor program, and  employee Green Team.

ZEPHYR HEALTH (SaaS-based Big Data & Analytics for Life Sciences companies)

VP, Global Marketing, Partnerships & Commercial Operations San Francisco, CA 2015 – 2018 Led the strategy, planning, and execution of the company’s global go-to-market efforts including marketing,  partnerships, and commercial operations. Guided enterprise from startup to growth stage (doubled revenue YOY)  through to acquisition (Oct2018).

• Built the marketing organization from the ground up, including product marketing & roadmap, brand &  customer marketing, integrated digital & social, event marketing, paid & partner marketing, PR and  external/internal communications.

• Garnered significant industry recognition through prestigious awards such as Red Herring Top 100 2017  and Gartner “Cool Vendor”, with successful media earning double digit SOV increase quarter over quarter • Secured channel growth by developing and leading strategic industry partnership program which grew to 27% of revenue pipeline.

• Led commercial operations (sales, demand generation, ABM), developed company and Board KPIs and  performance dashboards.

• Hired, led and mentored high-performing teams, launched first company mentor program and  championed Women@Zephyr program.

SABRE HOSPITALITY SOLUTIONS (Distribution, operations & digital solutions for Hotel Industry) Head, Product Marketing San Francisco, CA 2013 – 2014  Developed and directed product and customer marketing strategies to drive demand and profitability for rapid  growth business (2 consecutive years of 18% EBITDA growth), through to company IPO.

• Overhauled the go-to-market strategy, transforming the company’s market position, business model and  pricing and launching a new market segment approach with SMBs.

• Managed product investment and prioritization plan with multiple stakeholders (sales, engineering,  product management, customer care).

• Led the convergence of legacy systems with cloud-based platforms to deliver on SaaS-based solution,  including strategic market analysis, business plans and product positioning, pricing and packaging  strategies.

• Launched first product certification & training program as a part of field enablement.  • Managed content marketing and demand generation programs, customer segmentation, insights, and  engagement programs, including customer engagement KPIs and analytics.

• Led customer user-council, launched and led first Executive Advisory Board.

SABRE HOLDINGS (NASDAQ:SABR – Technology & Services Provider for Travel Industry) (Travelocity parent-company)

Sr. Director, Sustainability Initiatives San Francisco, CA 2007 – 2013 Designed, developed, and led cross-enterprise Global Sustainability initiatives, reporting directly to the CEO.  • Developed company materiality analysis and instituted comprehensive ESG (environment, social,  governance) reporting systems and KPIs for the company.

• Designed and led integrated, multi-disciplinary Sustainability initiatives including product offerings,  internal reduction efforts, global corporate real estate and data-center foot printing, marketing programs,  employee engagement, industry advocacy, policy, media & PR, company reporting and partnerships.

• Earned significant industry recognition and brand recognition through numerous global awards (GBTA,  WTTC and Rainforest Alliance); writer and speaking, presenting at numerous global industry conferences. • Ideated and launched the Travel Industry’s first Green Hotels program with Travelocity, quadrupling  supplier participation for four (4) consecutive years.

• Served as twice-elected Executive Board Member of the GSTC council that developed the first Global  Certification Standard for Hotels and Lodging.

• Led industry-recognized waste reduction and workplace transformation initiatives (recognized in multiple  case studies and articles).

• Created and led global employee engagement program that grew to 18 global locations with over 200  active employees.

SABRE TRAVEL NETWORK (B2B Travel Marketplace, Global Distribution Systems)

⮚ Principal, Global Marketing Planning San Francisco, CA 2005 – 2007  o Architected and led global strategy and operational process that transformed $300mm product investment plan across four global regions.

o Developed globally aligned marketing and business plan to secure balance between centralized and regional product investment and development.

o Developed, organized, and led first-ever Global Marketing conference (2 years) with over 200  participants representing 119 countries.

⮚ Product Marketing Manager Dallas, TX 2003 – 2005  o Transformed $6mm cruise product portfolio to profitability by launching 2 new platforms, sun setting legacy system, implementing a new supplier content system and developing merchandising  offerings.

o Optimized organization by implementing customer-centric practices in product investment.  o Built trusting, collaborative relationship between marketing and product development.

⮚ Customer Marketing Manager Dallas, TX 2000 – 2003  o Developed customer-marketing strategy that led to reorganization of product marketing team,  creation of new sales and service division in North America with a $240mm P&L, and a new blueprint  for product investment and delivery.

o Exposed opportunities for profitable growth and funding of new development efforts to focus on a  new customer segment, including a customer conversion campaign for additional $18MM in revenue.

⮚ ProductMarketing Specialist – Sabre Europe Rome, Italy 1996 – 2000  o Secured market share leadership within S. Europe by leading testing, integrity, localization,  marketing and communications for all new software and hardware products introduced, including Y2K project management with 100% compliance.

o Led large, complex customer conversion project for incremental €1.8mm, with implementation of  over 200 customer locations in 90 days.

⮚ Area Sales Manager – Sabre Italian (employee #4) Rome, Italy 1990 – 1996  o Led sales for Southern Italy from 0% to 15% market share, creating a significant and profitable  market presence.

o Developed homogeneous sales process for the division, including first global customer contract.

DIADORA SPA (Retail Apparel) – P.R./Promotion & Foreign Press Office Manager

Venice, Italy 1987 – 1990  • Managed key sponsorship contracts, and led all PR and marketing initiatives including key sports events;  Olympic Games, World Track & Field Championships, World Cup Soccer, Grand Slam Tennis and more.


Sustainable Management Executive Certificate Presidio Graduate School, SF Certificate in Management forInternational Executives University of California, Riverside B.A: Literature/Writing, Minor: Political Science University of California, San Diego


Monique Sasson has thirty years of experience in analyzing international  disputes. Before earning a Ph.D. in international law from Cambridge  University, she worked at two major law firms, in London and in Rome.  Monique is qualified as an Italian avvocato, an English solicitor and a New  York attorney. Previously Of Counsel at Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, she is  one of the founding partners of DeliSasson. Monique’s practice includes  advocacy as counsel as well as arbitrator and mediator appointments.  Monique served as an expert witness on international law in Central  European Aluminium Company (CEAC ) v. Montenegro, (ICSID Case No.  ARB/14/8) and testified orally before a distinguished investment treaty  tribunal. The second edition of her book, Substantive Law in Investment  Arbitration, was published in 2017 by Kluwer. She is in Arbitra’s list of  arbitrators.

Current positions 

2023 – present Partner, DeliSasson, Milan, Italy

2022 – present Independent Arbitrator, Arbitra, London, Washington D.C.

2012 – present Co-Managing Editor: Arbitration Report (Institute for  Transnational Arbitration) and World Trade and  Arbitration Materials


2009 Ph.D., International Law, Cambridge University, England 2006 LLM (Merit), University of London (Queen Mary College)

1994 Istituto Arturo Carlo Jemolo, scholarship, postgraduate  course to prepare for the careers of Judge and Attorney

1993 Graduated magna cum laude in Law, Guido Carli  L.U.I.S.S. (Rome, Italy), Faculty of Law, (thesis in

Bankruptcy Law: “Insolvency of Corporate Groups”)

Arbitrator Appointments 

– Tribunal President in an ICC construction FIDIC project under Dutch Law (seat Amsterdam). Award issued 2022.

– Sole Arbitrator in an ICC Arbitration concerning breach of contract under English law (seat London).

– Sole Arbitrator in an ICC Arbitration concerning breach of sale agreement under Swiss Law (seat Geneva). Award issued in 2021.

– Co-Arbitrator in an ICC arbitration concerning breach of representations and warranties under English Law (seat Geneva).

– Tribunal President CAM (Milan Chamber of Commerce) concerning breach of contract under Italian Law (seat Milan).

– Acting as arbitrator in several arbitrations under the Arbitration Act 1996.

Past Employment 

2020 – 2022 Of Counsel, D|R Arbitration & Litigation, Milan, Italy 2018 – 2020 Of Counsel, Macchi di Cellere Gangemi, Milan, Italy

2013 – 2020 Adjunct Lecturer, Washington College of Law, American  University (Washington, D.C.); “Introductory Course on  International Commercial Arbitration”

July 2014-March 2015 Fixed-term contract, Morgan Stanley Incorporated’s New York City office, Legal & Compliance/Litigation Unit

March 2014 Scholar-in-Residence, Center for Transnational Litigation,  New York University School of Law

2000-2005 Litigation/Arbitration associate, Herbert Smith-London Extensive experience in High Court litigation,  transnational litigation, and international arbitration cases. Representative matters included acting for major banks in the High Court as well as in multi-jurisdictional litigation arising out of one of the largest company insolvencies in  Europe. In international arbitration, acted for Israeli,  USA, Korean and English companies in ICC and LCIA  proceedings

1995-2000 Associate at Studio Legale Chiomenti, Rome. Advocacy  before Courts of First instance and Courts of Appeal in  Italy

1993 Stagiere in Legal Department of Alenia Spa, Rome,  Company law; Mergers & Acquisitions and Bankruptcy Law

1993 Trainee, ‘Studio Legale Tributario Internazionale’ Puoti,  Rossi Ragazzi e Giardina, under the supervision of Prof. Andrea Giardina, University of Rome “La Sapienza”

1992 Stagiere in Legal Department of Finmeccanica Spa, in  Rome

Bar/Solicitor Qualifications  

1997 Admitted to the Italian Bar (Rome)

2001 Solicitor, Senior Courts of England and Wales In 2004 qualified as Solicitor Advocate (Higher Rights of  Audience), England and Wales

2012 Admitted to the New York Bar


2023 “Mandatory Law in International Commercial and Investment Treaty Arbitration”, in Kroll, Ferrari, eds., Cambridge Compendium of International Commercial  and Investment Arbitration (Cambridge).

2022 Special Editor, with R. Alford and C. Baltag, Journal of  International Arbitration, Issue on Empirical Analysis of Kluwer Database, 2022, No. 39-3.

2022 “Empirical Analysis of National Court Enforcement of  International Commercial Arbitration Awards” co-authored with R. Alford, C. Baltag and M. Hall, in Journal of International Arbitration, Special Issue, 2022, No. 39-3.

2022 “Public Policy in International Commercial Arbitration”, in  Journal of International Arbitration, Special Issue, 2022, No. 39-3.

2022 “Institution Rules”, co-authored with L. Shore, in Happ  and Wilske, eds., ICSID Arbitration Rules 2020 – An Article-by-Article Commentary (Beck).

2022 “Arbitration in the United States under the Federal  Arbitration Act”, co-authored with L. Shore, in Mantucci ed., Volume XI of Trattato di Diritto dell’Arbitrato (Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane).

2019 “Inherent Power of Arbitrators to Exclude Counsel?”,  Chapter 3 in Ferrari and Rosenfeld, eds., Inherent Powers of Arbitrators (Juris).

2019 “Procedure in Investment Arbitration”; “Historical and  Policy Background to the Development of Bilateral and Multilateral Investment Treaties The Common and Distinctive Features of the Principal Investment Instruments”; and “Treaty Arbitration: the Notion of ‘Investment’” — Chapters in Ferrari and King, eds., International Investment Arbitration in a Nutshell (West)

2017 Substantive Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration: The  Unsettled Relationship of International and Municipal Law (Kluwer Law International, second edition).

2017 “The Applicable Law and the ICSID Convention”, Chapter  10 in Baltag, ed., ICSID Convention after 50 Years, Unsettled Issues (Kluwer), pp.273-300.

2016 “Court Review of Arbitral Tribunals’ Jurisdictional  Decisions”, in NYSBA, New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer, Spring 2016, Vol. 9, No. 1 pp. 54-57.

2015 “Investment Arbitration: Procedure,” Chapter 11 (III) in  International Investment Law, M. Bungenberg, J. Griebel, S. Hobe, A. Reinisch, eds. (C.H. Beck-Hart-Nomos), pp. 1288-1372.

2013 Review: The History of ICSID by Antonio Parra, American  Journal of International Law, Vol. 107, No 4, October 2013, pp. 980-984.

2010 Substantive Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration: The  Unsettled Relationship of International and Municipal Law (Kluwer Law International, first edition).

2007 “The Recent ‘Reform’ of the Italian Civil Procedure  Chapter on Arbitration”, in International Arbitration Law  Review, 2007, No. 1, pp. 1-6.

2002 “MultiParty Arbitration”, with Mary Woollett, in Stockholm  Arbitration Report, 2002, No. 1, pp. 1-20.

1999 “I contratti di swap: ancora sui poteri di rappresentanza  degli operatori”, in Rivista dell’Arbitrato, 1999, No. 2, pp 335-356.

Committee Memberships 

2004-2005 Member, Financial Market Law Committee’s  Working Group on the proposed Rome I Regulation (law applicable to contractual  obligations)

2012-2015 Member of the New York City Bar  Arbitration Committee

Speaking engagements (Partial list) 

Recent speaking appearances include:

• Panel Presenter, March 2023, Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration and Commercial Law , seminar on “Empirical Data on Annulment of International Awards: what to learn from it? and Beyond”.

• Panel Presenter, February 2023, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, QMUL, Co-Curricula seminar on “Document Production in International Arbitration”.

• CIArb Virtual Diploma in International Arbitration: Lecture on Identifying  Issues for Determination, Reasoning and Decision Making, Structure of  the Award, Form and Checklist and Drafting the Dispositive (e learning, September 2021, May 2022, September 2022).

• Moderator, March 2022, ITA Arbitration Report Roundtable, live webinar  via zoom, on “Revisiting the Scope of Public Policy in International  Arbitration – views from Germany, Mexico, Turkey and USA”.

• Moderator, April 2021, live webinar via zoom, on “The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and its Implications for Investor-State Dispute Settlement”.

• Panel Presenter, March 2021, ICC Italia Brexit Webinar Series on “Legge Applicabile al Contratto e Foro Competente”.

• Moderator, October 2020, First ITA Reporters Roundtable, live webinar via zoom on “Confidentiality, Validity of Arbitration Agreements, Non Signatories and Enforcement of Set Aside Awards in Courts in France,People’s Republic of China, Canada, Chile, Egypt and Hong Kong”. • Panel presenter, March 2018, 15th Annual Generations in Arbitration  Conference, Vienna, on “The Emergence of Human Rights Protection  in Investment Treaty Arbitration”.

• Panel debater, March 2018, Annual Conference of the German  American Lawyers’ Association (Deutsch- Amerikanische  Juristenvereinigung, “DAJV”), Frankfurt, on “Investment Arbitration,  TTIP and NAFTA after the US/German Elections: Perspectives from  Both Sides of the Atlantic in Times of Turmoil”.

• Panel presenter, February 2018, AIA-CAM-ILA Conference on Soft  Law In International Commercial Arbitration, Rome, on “IBA Guidelines  on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration and Disclosure of  Third Party Funders”.

• Panel presenter, February 2018, Third EFILA Annual Conference,  conference on Parallel States’ Obligations In Investment Arbitration, London, on “Applicable Law in Investment Arbitration: Human Rights  and Environment”.

• Panel debater, December 2017, CIArb YMG Conference, Investment  Arbitration Panel, Paris, on “Towards a Uniform procedure in  Investment Arbitration Disputes”.

• Panel presenter, November 2017, NYU-SciencesPo conference on  Inherent Powers in International Adjudication, Paris, on “Inherent  Power of Arbitrators to Exclude Counsel”

• Delivered the March 2014 NYU Transnational Litigation Conference  lecture on “Jurisdiction and Admissibility in International Arbitration”; • Panel presenter, February 2014, Institute for Transnational Arbitration (“ITA”) Conference, Houston, Texas, debate on “Inherent Powers and  Human Rights in Investment Arbitration”; and

• Panel debater, October 2012, ICSID-ICC-AAA Colloquium,  Washington, D.C., on “Dissenting Opinions in International Arbitration.”


Italian (native), English


Italy, USA

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